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May 8, 2011

Car Insurance- Soothe The Claim Filing Headache

As if being in an accident or having your car stolen weren't bad enough,] nothing cranks up your stress level like dealing with an obstinate insurer.

The procedure for claims after a car accident is supposed to be straightforward. After you make the claim, preferably on a comprehensible form, an adjuster estimates the costs to restore your car and the insurance company writes you a check for that amount. Regrettably, the process isn't always so simple for millions of people who file claims each year.

Here are some things you can do to get claims settled as fast and as smoothly as possible:

Jot down the setting, time, weather and other aspects of the environment; you don't know what will be significant later. Keeping a disposable camera in your auto, so you can take photos of the accident scene, is an excellent idea.

If a camera is not available, you can make a rough drawing of damage to vehicles and property, and describe any apparent injuries and other pertinent facts. Acquire and maintain a copy of the police report for yourself as well.

Promptly contact your insurer. The insurance company could negate your policy if you don't. Be sure to also report in writing to make sure that your rights are protected under law. Verify your policy- identify what coverage you have and don't have so you know what you can claim. Talk with your agent beforehand about the claims process and what information the company may need. Verify the deadlines as well. Some policies have time limits for each step of the claims' process.

For stolen cars- report the theft immediately to the police in the city where it was stolen. Have your license plate number and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) - located on your car registration ready, if available. You will need to file a stolen vehicle report. If the Registration is also lost along with the vehicle, obtain a duplicate from the Transport Authorities as soon as possible. Then notify your car insurance company immediately. Auto insurance claims for stolen vehicles always take longer to process, because the police are given a reasonable amount of time to locate the stolen car. Keep regular liaison with the police regarding the progress of the investigation. If the vehicle is not traced after a reasonable period, get a report from the police to that effect. If the vehicle is traced, inform the insurance company immediately.

Then be sure to track your claim: acquire your claim number and contact the insurance company or claims adjuster for updates. Some car insurers have the ability to let you track your claim's condition online. Sometimes writing a letter to the adjuster or a supervisor can get things moving. Be persistent, but not unbearable.

And remember, to avoid walking while your claim is being processed-Check rental coverage: If the accident wasn't your fault, you can get a rental car while yours is in the shop, paid for by the other driver's company. If the mishap was your fault, you have to have rental reimbursement coverage. If your car was stolen and you have comprehensive insurance , your insurer will probably pay a capped amount each day for a rental.

This way when you need to claim on your car insurance, you know that everything will be dealt with quickly and smoothly.

About The Author
Marie Wakefield

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